
Focus Group Discussion is a research method often used in marketing research. Focus Group Discussion is a method of qualitative research in which a certain number of participants meet with a moderator to discuss their views on a pre-selected topic. Participants are identified depending on the topic and scope of the research. Group discussions are held with a total of 7-8 participants. Depending on the purpose of the research, mini-groups of 4-5 participants can be organized.

Focus Group Discussions last from 1.5 to 2 hours. Gifts are given to participants for coming to the meeting. 

In order to get the desired results from the Focus Group Discussions, participants must participate for the first time and a quota must be applied in accordance with the research criteria.

The results of the assessment are presented to client on DVD. When needed, it is translated simultaneously.

In order to select participants, participants are surveyed face-to-face or using the CATI survey method with pre-defined filter questions.. Then the appropriate participants are selected and invited to the discussion meetings. The experienced moderator addresses the questions according to the purpose of the research and discusses the opinion of each participant individually.

Focus group discussions with the participation of a neutral and experienced moderator allow the client to make important findings in accordance with the purpose of the study. With this research method, companies will be able to apply the most accurate strategies by identifying their existing needs and confirming these needs with other research findings.

Business Insight has the following units (opportunities) for Focus Group Discussions

One-Way Mirror room

The group discussion room is equipped with a one-sided mirror. From this room, the client can watch the discussion.

Video camera in discussion room

The discussion is recorded with a video camera placed in the room, and then it is possible to analyze by watching the video.

Voice Recorder

The room is also equipped with a recording device to collect the views of participants at the same time as a voice recording.

Online Sharing

In this way, our clients have the opportunity to watch the discussion from anywhere.

Opportunity to translate simultaneously

Discussions are translated into English and Russian by experienced translators.